
How To Stop Worrying And Trust The Universe: 9 Essential Tips

How to stop worrying and trust the universe

Trusting the universe brings together spirituality, personal development, and emotional well-being. At its essence, trusting the universe means having faith that there is a greater plan at work in your life, even if you can’t see or understand it. It involves letting go of the need to control every aspect of your life and instead, embracing the flow of events with an open heart and mind. Fear and worry often stop us from trusting the universe. Pressures of life; responsibilities, challenges and uncertainty of the future can cause stress and worry. The ability to let go of these concerns and trust the universe provides a profound sense of peace, calm and liberation.

This blog will explore 9 effective tips for you to learn how to stop worrying and trust the universe. Here’s how you can start this transformative journey:

The Importance of Trusting the Universe

‘Trust the Universe’ sounds like a spiritual cliché, but it can be a powerful mindset and a way of finding peace and calming worry. I used to think this was an annoying saying, but now that I have learned to understand what this phrase means, I have found comfort in it. Now, when things feel out of my control, I use this phrase to calm my worries and to hold hope that things are happening for me, not to me.

This kind of trust doesn’t mean that we just have to accept everything that comes our way. It doesn’t mean taking a passive approach to life; in fact, quite the opposite. It means that we work towards making things happen and reaching our goals, but when things don’t go right or there are stressful situations outside of our control, we can have faith, take it as a lesson, and maintain calm minds while feeling supported and guided. Trusting that there is a bigger picture to our lives and meaning for everything that happens can help build resilience and get you through the hard times.

Trusting Yourself as Part of Trusting the Universe

It can also help to learn to trust your talents, abilities, and strengths. I have learned to trust that I have been given the gifts I’ve been given for a reason. That my abilities and strengths are all for a bigger purpose. For example, I have a strong sense of empathy and can feel other people’s pain and distress. At times I have struggled with this; it can be draining and difficult, but it’s also the gift that allows me to help people. It’s the gift that made me become a social worker, and work as a counsellor and coach.

Trusting the universe can be difficult at first but is a very powerful way to improve our well-being and live our true purpose.

Trust the universe

9 Essential Tips to Learn How to Stop Worrying and Trust The Universe

1. Acknowledge and Understand Your Fears

This is an important first step on how to stop worrying and trust the universe. If we don’t take time to understand what we are afraid of or try to suppress or deny our fears we are more likely to amplify them. A lot of the time when we stop to reflect on our fears they are typically projections of a future that may never happen. Give yourself some time to reflect on these, meditate on them, and write them down. By understanding and acknowledging these fears, where they come from and the impact they are having, we take their power away and demystify them. Doing this can make it easier to release the fear and trust the universe’s guidance.

2. Cultivate a Meditation Practice

Meditation is a powerful tool for calming your mind, centring your thoughts and connecting to your higher self. As I mentioned in the last tip; a lot of the fear we experience is about future events that are yet to happen. Meditation provides a way to focus on the here and now, take time out from the worry, find inner peace and let go of fears and anxieties.

Set aside time each day. Even 5 minutes of focused breathing can make a significant difference. With increased practice, you can experiment with different types of meditations and learn to connect to your higher self and universal messaging to increase trust in your path.

Spiritual path

3. Learn to Let Go of Control

Trying to control all aspects of our lives can increase our fear of the unknown. In truth, we can’t control a lot of what happens in our lives. Learning to let go of control and trusting that the universe has a greater plan for you, can help you see the possibilities and opportunities for growth and potential.

To let go of control reflect on situations in your life and seriously ask yourself what areas you have; control, influence or no control. This will help you determine where to put your focus and energy and what aspects to let go of and trust the universe. If you have difficulty with control perhaps consider seeking support to understand and work on your need for control.

4. Embrace a Gratitude Practice

Gratitude is a powerful way to recognize abundance and positivity in our lives which helps to foster a sense of contentment. This practice can transform your mindset and make it easier to trust that the universe is providing for you in meaningful ways.

Try a gratitude journal. Start practising writing down 3 things a day that you are grateful for. Another great way to practice gratitude is to do it with a friend or loved one. Try sharing what you are grateful for with them each day. Also try to remind yourself regularly to be grateful to the universe for having your back and providing the amazing opportunities you have in your life.

Check out more about self-gratitude.


5. Establish a Spiritual Routine

Having a spiritual routine can help to connect to higher energies and reinforce your trust in the universe’s plan. Having a routine of any sort can help to build trust in yourself. By showing yourself you can regularly repeat behaviours that have a positive effect on your life, you prove to yourself that you can be consistent and trust your own word. Adding a spiritual component to this routine can help you trust yourself and the universe.

The spiritual component is up to you entirely. It can be meditation, reading spiritual texts, choosing a crystal to carry with you or using a divination tool such as tarot. Your spiritual routine should be completely individual. It can be anything that makes you feel joy, grounded and connected to the universe.

6. Accept and Embrace Uncertainty

Life is inevitably unpredictable. Therefore, an important part of how to stop worrying and trust the universe is to learn to embrace uncertainty. Accepting uncertainty is an important part of releasing fear and trusting in infinite possibilities. Accepting and embracing uncertainty allows us to flow with life rather than resisting it.


7. Understand That Not Getting What You Want Can Be a Blessing

Sometimes we want things in life that aren’t necessarily for us and the path planned for us. It can be disappointing when we want a particular job, for example, only to be turned down. However, months later we find the job of our dreams or find out that the company went bankrupt. ‘A blessing in disguise’.

Trusting in the universe’s wisdom and timing helps in making these setbacks easier to bare. Reflect on past experiences. Have there been times when not getting what you wanted led to a better outcome? How can you apply this thinking in the future when you face disappointments or setbacks? Try to keep your mind on the bigger picture and remind yourself that there is purpose behind these things.

8. Learn to Look for Synchronicities

I don’t know if you have noticed synchronicities in your life before but I find great comfort in seeing them. Often it’s in numbers, I regularly see repeating numbers 444 or 555 or even patterns like 911 or 411. These don’t only show on the clock but on license plates, game scores, or phone numbers.

Noticing synchronicities or meaningful coincidences, as Jung called them1, is a way of the universe communicating with you. It can be a message to reinforce your thought or belief or it could be guidance or encouragement with a decision. Learning to see and understand these messages can help to develop trust in the universe’s path. Try keeping a journal to note these synchronicities and reflect on the meaning. You can look up others’ meanings or decide on a meaning for yourself. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings at the time of seeing the synchronicity as it may just be encouragement or a warning.

9. Develop Your Intuition

Lastly, developing your intuition is an important way to learn to trust in the universe. Having a strong sense of your intuition strengthens your inner guidance system, trust your instincts and listen to the universe’s subtle messages. This is another great way to trust yourself as well as the universe in making decisions as it connects you with your higher self. As your intuition develops you will learn to trust your instincts and start to make decisions for your highest self and your greatest good.

Practice quieting your mind and tuning into your inner wisdom. Try to listen to your gut, especially when making decisions. Listen for the ‘hell yes’ and the ‘hell no’ in your body. Another great way to practice is to try to predict objects, for example, use cards; draw one from the deck but before looking at it leave it face down and try to guess which it is. Focus on it, try to visualise it and trust what comes to mind or what you feel.

Crystal Healing

How to Stop Worrying and Trust the Universe: A Personal Journey

Trusting the universe is not about adopting a specific set of beliefs or rituals but about finding what resonates with you personally. It’s about developing a relationship with the universe that feels authentic and meaningful. For some, this might involve daily meditation and journaling; for others, it could be spending time in nature or engaging in creative activities. The key is to find practices that help you feel connected and supported.

Final Thoughts

Whilst trusting the universe might sound like a cliched way to manage stress. However, it can be a beneficial way to build resilience, feel a sense of peace in difficult times and minimise fear and worry. It needs to be a practice that feels right to you, so use all the tips or the ones that work for you, to develop the trust you need.

If you found these tips helpful and you would like to continue your journey of spirituality and self-discovery; subscribe to my mailing list. Also, check out my new Etsy store. Its a new store but I will be adding more exciting new products. Check out my set of 100 positive thinking affirmation cards.

Universal Path


1Jung, C. G. (1952). “Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle.” In Collected Works vol. 8. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Koenig, H. G., McCullough, M. E., & Larson, D. B. (2001). The Role of Spirituality in Coping with Stress. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Synchronicity: Enhance Well-Being via Meaningful Coincidences | Psychology Today

What It Means To Trust The Universe + Why You Should | mindbodygreen

2 thoughts on “How To Stop Worrying And Trust The Universe: 9 Essential Tips”

  1. I needed this post when I went through my divorce! Thankfully I sorta figured some of these things out on my own…but my, that can be a difficult path. The point above about not getting what you want being a blessing. Such truth! I can definitely see that now. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. I appreciate the great content you’re sharing here and look forward to browsing other blog posts.

    1. Thanks Krista. I appreciate the kind words and I’m glad that you figured it out on your own still. Hindsight is definitely 20/20! But atleast we learn from those experiences.

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