How to start journaling

How To Start Journaling to Discover Your Best Self

Including 16 Journal Prompts to Start Your Journaling Journey!


Hello Beautiful Souls!

Are you wondering how to start journaling and embark on a transformative journey? Through my time working as a Counsellor and in my own spiritual growth journey, I’ve seen first-hand how journaling can open doors to our deepest selves. I’m excited to help you discover the same for yourself. Let’s explore how this simple practice can unlock your path to personal growth and self-awareness.

The Power of Journaling in Self-Discovery

Journaling is more than just writing down your thoughts. It’s an intimate process that helps peel back the layers of your inner self. It’s your personal space to explore emotions, dreams, and aspirations. It can provide clarity on current issues, provide healing from traumas in your past or provide closure in times of grief or anger. Imagine having a conversation with your deepest self – that’s what journaling can be.

As the number of studies increased, it became clear that writing was a far more powerful tool for healing than anyone had ever imagined.

— James W. Pennebaker

6 Major Benefits of Journaling Practice

1. Healthy Outlet For Suppressed Emotion

There are many reasons we supress our emotions, from not feeling safe, to childhood programming that you’re not supposed to or not wanting to be a burden on someone. Not expressing our emotions can cause significant emotional consequences. Often it can lead to outbursts of anger or tears that can hurt others or happen at really inappropriate times. Journaling creates a safe, judgement free zone to express these emotions. Therefore, reducing the risks of damaging relationships, minimising mood swings and irritability.

2. Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Ever felt stuck in a rut or bored of life? Ever had a goal in mind but not sure how to achieve it? Often its a lack of clarity that can cause these feelings. Journaling allows you to lay out all the areas of your goal and break it down into steps you can take and explore the barriers that may be hiding below the surface.

Journaling Benefits

3. Improves Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is ‘the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you’ (Mental Health America). One of the key elements of Emotional Intelligence is Self-Awareness. Journaling helps us to increase our self-awareness by helping to break down our thoughts, feelings and behaviours and giving us an understanding of our automatic reactions and thoughts that often overlook.

4. Positive Impact on Physical Health

Did you know that journaling can be a secret weapon for your physical health? It’s true! When we write down our thoughts and feelings, it’s not just an emotional release; it can actually lead to physical benefits. This practice helps reduce stress, which means less stress hormone cortisol. More cortisol over a long periods of time can equal poor physical health.

From lowering blood pressure to improving immune function, journaling is like a multi-vitamin for your overall well-being. So next time stress is getting on top of you, try reaching for your journal!

5. Improves Your Outlook And Mindset.

Have you ever sat down with your best friend and talked abut life or your stresses, then noticed after you feel a lot more positive and optimistic. Think of your Journal as your new best friend. Transforming your thoughts from a jumble of worries into written words can be incredibly powerful. It’s like decluttering your mind! This simple act of self-expression helps you gain perspective, focus on the positives, and cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life.

6. Helps to process Trauma or Crisis Situations.

I’m sure we have all had times of crisis or intense stress. Journaling can provide a safe and non-judgemental place to process your complex emotions and experiences. It provides a private space to unpack your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to understand and heal at your own pace. Remember, your journal doesn’t judge; it listens. That’s what makes it a powerful tool in healing and reclaiming your strength.

How to Start Journaling Tips

Setting Up Your Journaling Practice Choosing the right method of journaling is your first step. Pick something that feels inviting and special to you. I personally love the feeling of pen to paper. But I know that doesn’t resonate or work for everyone! Most important thing I want you to take away from reading this article is the understanding that journaling can be unique to you! Don’t let the format or process seem too big and stop you from getting started. You can type it into a word document, use an app on your phone or use voice recorder or a combination. It has to work for you and feel like something you will keep coming back to.

Benefits of Journaling

Find a comfortable spot where you can write freely and without interruptions (even if that means in the car if home is too busy). Make it that you are in your favourite space in your house, with things you love. For me it’s in my favourite chair with my cushion and blanket, my singing bowl, salt lamp and crystals if I feel drawn to particular ones for that day or for the topic I’m writing on. Sometimes I also use ceremonial cacao to help to allow the stress of the day to melt away go deeper and open myself up to spiritual messages.

Consistency is crucial – even a few minutes each day can spark significant changes. This can be a few minutes of what’s called ‘stream of consciousness’ writing or brain dumping as I like to call it. This is where you write whatever comes to mind, it doesn’t even need to make sense. Or its prompted questions that help guide you through particular issues or ideas (see the prompts below to get you started).

How to Make it a Habit

Tips to keep up the habit –

  • Journal at the same time every day or on the same day every week.
  • Set a reminder alarm
  • Habit stack but adding journaling to a routine you already do – keep your journal near the coffee maker to remind you in the morning, keep it on the couch so you do it instead of watching TV.
  • Start with only 10 or 15minutes a day
  • Plan a selfcare reward after; like a walk, a shower, time relaxing watching TV.
  • Create a beautiful and soothing routine to make it a pleasant experience.
Journal Prompts

16 Prompts to get you started

So how do you start journaling if you don’t know what to write? I know this is a common hurdle. Journaling prompts are fantastic tools to get your thoughts flowing.

Here are 16 prompts designed to start you on your journaling journey in self-discovery and introspection. Just start by picking one and go from there:

  1. What am I most grateful for today?
  2. Which values are most important to me, and how am I honouring them?
  3. What are the biggest lessons I’ve learned this year?
  4. When did I feel truly happy in the last week?
  5. What fears are holding me back from my dreams?
  6. How do I define success, and am I on the path toward it?
  7. What are my unique strengths, and how can I use them more?
  8. What advice would I give to my younger self?
  9. What does my ideal day look like?
  10. How do I practice self-care, and how can I improve it?
  11. What am I afraid of, and why?
  12. Which relationships in my life are most significant, and why?
  13. What is my personal definition of happiness?
  14. Where do I see myself in five years?
  15. What am I passionate about, and how do I express it?
  16. What obstacles have I overcome, and what have they taught me?

If you like these and want more I am currently releasing daily journal prompt pins on Pinterest you can save and come back to when you are ready. These prompts cover a range of topics within Mind Spirit Life areas of Psychology, Spirituality and Lifestyles.

Journal Prompts

Integrating Journaling with Other Self-Improvement Practices

Journaling beautifully complements other self-improvement and self-care activities. Whether it’s:

  • Reflecting post-meditation
  • Writing after a workout or yoga
  • Dream journaling if you’re having nightmares
  • Gratitude journaling when you need a pick me up after a bad day
  • Worry journaling at the end of the day to clean your mind before sleep

Integrating journaling into your routine can enhance your overall journey of growth.

“Journaling is a tool to put our experiences, thoughts, beliefs, and desires into language, and in doing so it helps us understand and grow and make sense of them,”

– Joshua Smyth (Professor of biobehavioural health and medicine – Penn State University).

Final Thoughts on How to Start Journaling

Starting a journaling practice is like opening a door to self-awareness and personal transformation. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to journal – it’s all about what resonates with you. So, don’t overthink it, pick up that pen or chosen medium, and let your inner voice flow.

Need More

I’m excited to hear about your journaling journey! Have you had any eye-opening moments? Still feeling stuck drop, a comment on other areas you’d like to see covered or ask me any questions and I’ll get back to you. Share your stories, insights or questions in the comments or find me on Instagram @mindspiritlifecoach. And for more tips on personal growth and self-discovery, stay tuned to Mind Spirit Life.

Happy journaling!



19 thoughts on “How To Start Journaling to Discover Your Best Self”

  1. I really love this post. I’ve been journaling since I was young. But I feel there’s always something to learn and ways to grow. I’ve taken my journaling a step further now and am writing with a purpose. To help other parents who are struggling with their grief in the loss of a child. I’ve also began writing seriously and hope to publish a book this year. However, I’m going to continue to follow content like this because I always want to learn and grow.

    1. Thank you for sharing. I’m so glad writing has helped you so much. Congratulations and good luck on the move forward with your writing on such an important topic.

  2. Journaling is my favorite way to keep tracks and memories of my travels. It’s also the perfect way to put down my emotions on paper when I feel frustrated so I couldn’t agree more with you. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I enjoyed this enlightening post! Even as a child, it was easier to write down my scary feelings rather than say them out loud. There’s a sense of relief in putting pen to paper to express, sort, and organize my feelings.

  4. I love this! I’ve been journaling since for ever. It’s a great way to reduce your stress and get everything out on paper! When my mind feels chaotic I just dump it all out on paper. I walk away feeling so much better! ??

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